Saturday, July 14, 2012

How Drug Abusers Think - Help Get Addicts to Rehab Faster by comprehension Why They Avoid Rehab

Drug Rehabilitation - How Drug Abusers Think - Help Get Addicts to Rehab Faster by comprehension Why They Avoid Rehab
The content is good quality and useful content, Which is new is that you just never knew before that I do know is that I have discovered. Before the distinctive. It's now near to enter destination How Drug Abusers Think - Help Get Addicts to Rehab Faster by comprehension Why They Avoid Rehab. And the content related to Drug Rehabilitation.

Do you know about - How Drug Abusers Think - Help Get Addicts to Rehab Faster by comprehension Why They Avoid Rehab

Drug Rehabilitation! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Does drug abuse exist primarily in the mind of the abuser or is drug abuse society's problem? Somewhat of a philosophical question, agreed. Let's get right down into the reality of the matter and skip the pretense.

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How is How Drug Abusers Think - Help Get Addicts to Rehab Faster by comprehension Why They Avoid Rehab

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Drug Rehabilitation.

Drug Abusers Think community Should convert To Fit Into Their Realities

To understand the boldness of this statement I will enlighten you on what is happening inside a drug abusers head. This may not be pretty, sorry if I use real life examples. But if you found your way to this article, you're ready for it.

How Drug Abusers See The World

They see the same trees, the same cars and the same house members who are upset or distressed by their addiction. But they also 'see' other things.

To continue this analogy of seeing things that aren't seen by everybody else, let's consider the mind as a collection of full picture and sound files in one's personal computer. This personal computer is ones' mind. The mind has millions of memories or files stored of past palpate or conclusions or imaginations. All these files are stored in your thinking computer.

What happens when drug abusers palpate things they don't want to?

Here's the problem: Drugs dull perceptions. Drugs are essentially pain killers. Drugs kill mental, emotional and / or physical pain. That means something that is distressing a person can appear to reduce. The stress seems to go away a bit by the drugs dulling or hiding the palpate from the person. They can't see or palpate the discomfort as readily. Sometimes these discomforts come from the past. Remember the mind is made up of past experiences or memory pictures.

Drug abusers have been solving their problems by dulling out their abilities to see these problems. At times the problems right in front of them are unseen by a drug abuser. Other times issues from their past are blocked out.

Let's take a look at one way drug abusers dull their perception of the past with drugs and with other thinking 'tricks'.

Drug abuse, along with marijuana abuse, pharmaceutical abuse and alcohol abuse have one thing in common: Justification

As a drug rehab consultant, I hear more justification for drug abuse and use than most. Here are some rather coarse and even infamous justifications I've heard over the years.

Mental Justifications:
They don't understand I just need one more hit, then it'll be Ok What's the big deal, it's just one time This will fix things and I'll make it through for a while longer
Drug Abusers Are Running Away From Something, Aren't They?

Reactively, most habitancy avoid pain. When the truth contains pain, the truth will be avoided.

Pain is also stored in the minds' memory pictures. When painful palpate is re-triggered by life, the painful part also returns. Drug abusers instinctively avoid this pain. That's when justification is put to use by the abuser of drugs. Justification is a method of being right and avoiding the discomfort and pain of unpleasant memory.

The mind must be right. This is the minds' senior command - all the time be right. Not necessarily truthful, just right. A drug abuser is trying to originate a world where they are right in avoiding reality, even if it kills them. That's why they continue to abuse drugs.

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