Saturday, May 19, 2012

Commodities Stoke Inflation Fears

Austin Recovery - Commodities Stoke Inflation Fears
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Do you know about - Commodities Stoke Inflation Fears

Austin Recovery! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

On April 30th, the Federal support announced a cut in their main interest rate by 25 basis points, to 2% from 2.25%. This is the seventh such cut by the Us central bank since the starting of the prestige crunch some eight months ago, totaling 3.25% in cuts to the key rate that banks charge each other for overnight loans. These cuts have been made in an attempt to lower mortgage rates to help bolster the real estate market. As the fragile Us economy staggers towards recovery, two major agents are working against American consumers: article inflation in food and energy. What can we expect in the future for these troubled yet lucrative markets?

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How is Commodities Stoke Inflation Fears

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Austin Recovery.

In the short term, volatility will probably continue to dominate, but in the middle term inflation may take precedent over combating the slowdown, both for the central bank and regular consumers. Just as the Fed began to cut interest rates, the dollar's 5-year slide accelerated, pushing commodities that are priced in dollars like oil down relative to other currencies. This self-reinforcing process means that their futures markets are economy to buy in other currencies, which has led to a heavy increase in investment by flustered investors seeing for a safe haven for their assets.

If the Fed were to continue to cut interest rates further, this process could keep buyer spending, which accounts for two thirds of the Us economy, tamped down for some time. In March, spending only increased more than projected (0.4%) because of very inflated energy and food costs. In addition, businesses have prolonged to feel the pinch of higher secondary costs that work on many other prices, even as output continues to fall. Nevertheless, the strong March action index from the form for supply supervision was still stronger (48.6, with 50 meaning zero growth) than many economists had expected, implying some fundamental resilience.

The lingering inquire remains: what is the Federal support doing by cutting an inter-bank interest rate? It appears now that they are stoking inflation through price distortion, if the clear effects thereof (some stabilization of the troubled financial sector) is ignored. By making dollars cheaper, the value of oil and food is cheapened and necessarily must rise accordingly. Now replacement rates in the middle of the dollar and the euro have statistically matched fluctuations in oil prices for 52% of the last six months, compared to less than 1% for the years in the middle of 1999 and 2004. Investors and investment have turned commodities into a superb place to dump cash, but such simplistic mental should be setting off alarms in the wake of the prestige crunch.

In Washington and abroad, few have challenged the Fed's decisions, which have not been as noticeably correlated to price increases until recently. That may turn as eurozone inflation remains stubbornly above target levels, mostly because the European Central Bank takes energy and food into its purview. While the Fed are still supposed to fight inflation first, their smaller focus means that their culpability is limited. As the selection looms over Ben Bernanke's head, he is likely receiving pressure to stabilize first and ask questions later. However, a housing bubble and top-teir mismanagement led to the prestige crunch now dragging down global growth. No one is seeing to repeat this experience, especially because a commodity bubble is in fact the worst kind.

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